Vi skaber fremtidens forbindelser
At DELPRO, we contribute to ensuring the green transition by connecting renewable energy sources to the power grid. We are driven by the courage to take responsibility, both on a global scale and in our immediate local surroundings.
Would you like to be part of an organization that takes responsibility for your safety, development, and high voltage education? Then #jointheDELPROteam. You are guaranteed varied and flexible workdays, plenty of challenges, and a strong community.
As an employee at DELPRO, you will experience a company that takes responsibility for both society and its employees. You will have significant responsibility in your work, but you will also be rewarded with professional and personal development in an environment where humanity, community, and good relationships are the cornerstones in our foundation.
For us to offer our customers the best quality, flexibility is crucial. It is one of the qualities that often leads to us being chosen to solve tasks. This places high demands on you as an employee, but fortunately, flexibility works both ways. We are proud to say that there is room for your personal life and your personality, and we go to great lengths to ensure your work life balance.
A job that evolves with you
Your needs change throughout life. Some periods you may have the opportunity to work a lot, while other periods you need predictability and consideration for your family situation. At DELPRO, you can find positions that accommodate your situation. And if your needs change, we always strive, in collaboration with you, to find a position that accommodates your situation.
A meaningful job
You will become an important part of the green transition because the essence of our work is to focus on ensuring reliable electricity from renewable energy sources to critical infrastructure. Regardless of the position you hold at DELPRO, you will experience a meaningful job with diverse tasks and professional challenges.
Plenty of career opportunities
At DELPRO, there are many different career opportunities, and you can move both vertically and horizontally within our business. For your career the most important things are plenty of initiative and passion for your work. If you feel like trying your hand at a new area, it is only an extra asset in our eyes.
Freedom with responsibility
You will quickly discover that you have a high level of freedom to plan your workday within the given framework. We are not afraid to place high demands on our employees because we know that they recognize the importance of taking responsibility for completing their tasks.
At DELPRO, you won’t find the values printed on coffee mugs and mouse pads. But that doesn’t mean they’re not here. They strongly present in our culture, in the way we interact and take care of each other, and in the way we approach tasks and serve our customers.
It’s not guaranteed that you will hear the same five values from every employee, but the underlying tone is the same everywhere, and it’s about behaving properly and responsibly. We are flexible, quality-conscious, and uncompromising when it comes to safety. And we are curious about challenges, both professional and personal because we can’t help it, and we know that our work makes a difference in the green transition when connecting future forms of energy to the power grid. We possess the courage it takes to take responsibility and be adaptable.
As a new employee at DELPRO, you don’t need to have experience with high voltage. However, it is important that you demonstrate the desire to learn and develop professionally. Quality and safety are of utmost importance in our daily work. That is why we take your education very seriously and ensure that you are properly equipped before you start your tasks. We also heavily rely on peer training because it is a great way to learn and provides an opportunity for hands-on experience in our field.
At DELPRO, you will have access to some of the industry’s best high voltage training programs. We have our own HV Training Academy, and our education is highly structured, providing you with an overview of the process for your professional development. You can see what you can achieve both professionally and personally, and you may discover new areas that you hadn’t even considered.
If you are employed as a salaried employee, you also have the opportunity to further develop yourself and your professional skills. Perhaps you want to enhance your expertise within your field, or maybe you are curious about new areas that can expand your professional knowledge in one way or another. At DELPRO, we reward initiative and support your desire to learn through relevant education.
Didn’t find the perfect position? Don’t worry, it will come up. We are always in need of team members who are eager for professional development, have an eye for quality, and want to make a difference. Send us your application, and we will get back to you when the right position arises.
We continuously post new positions because it takes many talented individuals to drive the green transition. Create a job agent, and we will make sure to notify you when relevant positions are posted. This way, you won’t miss the opportunity for your dream job and the chance to #jointheDELPROteam.
We highly value foreign labor. In fact, we cannot do without it if we are to succeed in the green transition. When you come to DELPRO from abroad, we will assist you and ensure that you are professionally and personally equipped to handle the task.
If you want an international career with us, it is important that you gain insight regarding the job and life in Denmark, so that we know we are a good match. If you subsequently wish to settle your family, we will assist you in order to create the best conditions for balancing work and personal life.
When you start at DELPRO, it is important for you to have your professional background in place. Our employees have various types of backgrounds, such as electricians, mechanical engineers, mechanics, and welders. In some positions, it is a requirement to be a trained electrician. In other positions, your professional background is not as important, as long as you have the willingness to learn and develop yourself. We ensure that you are equipped to work with high voltage, both through education and on-the-job training. This way, we are confident that both safety and quality are always high.
The desire to learn more and develop professionally is one of the most important qualities you can possess. Professional ambitions are meant to be fulfilled, and at DELPRO, you will find excellent opportunities for growth and further education.
We have our own HV Academy and development system, which means that you always have a clear understanding of where you stand professionally and personally. This way, ambitions, tasks, and development always go hand in hand in a safe and manageable process. Because we work in an area that demands extraordinary focus on safety, we make sure your knowledge is always up to date.
As an HV Technician in DELPRO Wind, you will primarily work outside the borders of Denmark, with ample opportunities to experience the world. Occasionally, there may also be opportunities to participate in projects abroad in other parts of DELPRO, typically for shorter durations.
Flexibility is one of our most important assets and one of the reasons why we can provide high service and quality to our customers. It places significant demands on us as a company and on you as an employee, but the reality is that a power blackout can have substantial costs.
On the other hand, you can be assured that flexibility works both ways. It is important to us that you thrive, and we have different types of jobs that can be tailored to your personal life. We have positions where you work intensively for longer periods and then have time off, as well as positions that accommodate your family life in both the short and long term. If your situation changes, we always strive, in collaboration with you, to find a solution that allows your personal and professional life to coexist.
Safety is paramount to us. When working with high voltage, mistakes can have significant consequences, which is why everything we do is closely tied to safety. We undergo training, create procedures, and plan tasks down to the smallest detail to ensure that everyone feels secure and returns home safely from work every day.
A high level of safety and quality is not only important for you, but also for your team, and that’s why we look out for each other. No employees are put in situations where they are faced with a task they are not qualified to handle. It is always possible to ask for help, and we ensure that you and your colleagues are always equipped for the task at hand.
A wide range of different professional backgrounds work in our various departments. In essence, your specific professional background may not always be as crucial. The most important thing is that you have a desire to work with high voltage and the willingness to develop yourself. Depending on your qualifications and interests, you can work as an installer, service technician, data center technician, electrician, or utility operator, among others. Naturally, we also employ project managers, team leaders, supervisors with different backgrounds, as well as administrative staff. din faglige baggrund ikke altid så vigtig. Det vigtigste er, at du har lyst til at arbejde med højspænding og lyst til at udvikle dig.
Alt efter dine kvalifikationer og interesser kan du arbejde som fx montør, servicetekniker, datacentertekniker, elektriker og forsyningsoperatør. Vi beskæftiger naturligvis også projektledere, teamledere og formænd med forskellig baggrund og administrativt personale.
At DELPRO, we take responsibility for educating and securing future new employees, also for the high-voltage industry. That is why DELPRO holds a great opportunity to start your career. We continuously have both interns and apprentices in the Power Systems division, including electrician and utility operator apprentices.
If you are already a trained electrician and have a passion for working in the Wind industry, we always have several trainees on the team. And since we often carry out projects throughout Europe, it is not crucial in which country you reside.
At DELPRO, we contribute to ensuring the green transition by bridging the gap between renewable energy sources and the power grid. We are driven by the courage to take responsibility both globally and locally.
We have nationwide coverage with our headquarters in Vamdrup near Kolding. Additionally, we have branches in England, Poland, France, and the Netherlands.
Rugvænget 30, 2630 Taastrup
Bakkedraget 3A, 8362 Hørning
Main office:
Bavnevej 50
DK-6580 Vamdrup
T. +45 7632 2700
D-U-N-S® number 306036604
Local branches
Zealand: Rugvænget 30, DK-2830 Taastrup
Aarhus: Bakkedraget 3A, DK-8362 Hørning
Please contact us
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