Pia Ellebæk is a Service Coordinator in DELPRO. Hun was employed in 2006 and is one of our indispensable “all-rounders”. She especially enjoys the fact that two days are never the same. And her duties range widely.
Read about Pia’s role as an “all-rounder” and about being the for and about being there for strong men, and providing a comforting shoulder to lean on.
The Himmelev men are my boys
I trained as a technical assistant in the field of building and construction and was employed to draw up projects in AutoCAD for the project department. However, that is actually the only thing I have never done at DELPRO. Instead, I assist the service managers in reporting data when the fitters have inspected the transformer stations.
Reporting data is far from my only task. I am a bit of an all-rounder in that I also handle procurement for in-house meetings and courses, help technicians with job cards, prepare pro forma invoices, order material for the warehouse, make sure the waste is collected, hold events in the staff association and hundreds of other small and large tasks.
But my absolute primary task is to be there for my boys in this department. I am always ready with a hug and a comforting shoulder when things go wrong with their wife or when the kids are little monsters. When my boys need to let off a verbal burp or two, I listen and speak with them. I give them a hug and then they are usually ready to get on with their work.
Trust, respect and collaboration
DELPRO is a great workplace built on trust, respect and collaboration. Work is varied and no two days are alike. There is room for me to develop professionally and as a person. I enjoy being busy and that new tasks always turn up.
You need be ready to make an effort when deadlines are to be met. But you are also allowed to leave early on the days you need to do so. I like that mutual flexibility and that everyone’s ideas and input are listened to. We have a great workplace and I cannot imagine working anywhere else and having to do without my boys at DELPRO.